Today marks the first day of spring aka the perfect time to start spring cleaning. But even if you’ve scrubbed your house from top to bottom, there are always some spots that you’ve probably forgotten to clean.
There are some areas in your home that you either overlook or avoid cleaning, as they’re hard to reach or take up too much time. But these spaces are actually much dirtier than you think, and if you’re forgetting to clean them often, they can build-up overtime with dirt, dust, bacteria and bad odours.
To help you effectively spring clean your home this year, here are the nine most common spots you’re forgetting to clean. P.S. Don’t forget to check out our Spring Cleaning 2024 guide for more cleaning tips, tricks and tutorials.
1. Rubbish bin
(Image credit: Shvets Production / Pexels)
According to kitchen experts at Magnet, cleaning your bin is one of the most forgotten and avoided cleaning tasks. But bins are a breeding ground for bacteria and germs, and are a big attraction to pests like rats and flies. In general, you should clean your bin once or twice a week, depending on your waste situation. Spray both the inside and outside of the bin with disinfectant and wipe dry. For a deeper spring clean, Magnet says to wash it with soapy water and scrub it with a brush to remove stains and smells, before spraying with disinfectant.
2. Sink drains and taps
(Image credit: Curology / Unsplash)
Both your sinks’ drains and taps can get extremely dirty. The sink’s drain can get clogged with food which leaves a bad smell, while the underside of your taps can build-up with limescale, dirt and food residue. Spring cleaning is the perfect time to refresh your sink, and the most recommended way is to pour a half cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by a cup of vinegar, according to Magnet experts. Let this sit before flushing your sink with hot water. For your taps, scrub them with a lemon juice and water solution on a cloth. The lemon’s acidity removes limescale, and leaves your sink smelling fresh.
3. Knife block and utensil pots
(Image credit: Amazon)
Many of us have cut a loaf of bread, haphazardly wiped off the knife and put it back in the knife block without washing it. But doing this means your knife block accumulates crumbs and other food waste, making your knives dirty before you even start chopping. To fix this, clean your knives and turn the empty knife block upside down to get rid of crumbs. Clean the slots with white vinegar on a paper towel and wipe down the outside with soapy water before leaving to dry. Similarly, your utensil pots can also get pretty filthy, so clean your utensils and scrub the pot to get rid of stains.
4. Curtains and blinds
(Image credit: Dotcom)
Curtains and blinds catch a surprising amount of dirt and dust. The spring and summer months are the worst for this, as pollen and other allergens can get stuck in your curtains and worsen your allergies. Rid your home of this dust by wiping down your curtains and blinds using a damp cloth. For curtains, you can use your best vacuum cleaner to hoover up the dust. Alternatively, some curtains can be removed from the rods and dry cleaned or washed in your best washing machine, although you’ll want to check the label first.
5. Radiators
(Image credit: Julian Hochgesang / Unsplash)
It’s recommended to clean your radiators at least once a year. Since spring is when the weather starts to get warmer, you’ll begin using your radiators less often, so now is the time to clean them! To spring clean your radiator, turn it off and let it cool before wiping the exterior with soapy water. Let it dry and to avoid it collecting any further dust or dirt, consider investing in a radiator cover.
6. Door handles
(Image credit: Khairul Nizam / Pexels)
Your door handles are one of the dirtiest spots in your house, as they’re touched the most often and by lots of different people. The same can be said for light switches and walls, so this spring cleaning season, don’t forget to give your door handles some TLC. Keep it simple by wiping them down with a disinfectant spray or wipe, or if you notice some stains or stickiness, use soapy water and a sponge.
7. Tops and fronts of kitchen cupboards
(Image credit: Josbra Design / Unsplash)
The top and front of your kitchen cabinet can easily catch and stain with food grease, so it’s important to give them a thorough clean to get rid of odours and stickiness. When cleaning a kitchen cupboard, it’s best to avoid any cleaning product that’s too harsh or chemical, as it can wear away the paint. Instead, soapy water and a soft cloth is your friend!
8. Skirting boards
(Image credit: B&Q)
Your skirting or baseboards collect a huge amount of dust and pet hair, and since they’re so close to the ground, you’ll often find they’re flecked with dirt from your shoes. Using the crevice tool attachment from your vacuum cleaner (most manufacturers like Dyson and Shark sell these with their vacuums), vacuum along the skirting board and wash away any stains with… you guessed it… soapy water. Towel dry the skirting board after you’ve finished cleaning.
9. Cooker hood
(Image credit: Altered Snaps / Pexels)
The cooker hood might be the worst spot to clean as it’s constantly exposed to grease and grime, which can build-up and even drip onto your hob (ew). To clean your cooker hood, remove the filter and soak it in warm water before scrubbing it with a brush. For stubborn stains, use a degreasing product or a baking soda and vinegar paste to remove them. Leave the filter to dry and clean the other parts of your cooker hood, like the extractor fan, with soapy water. Let everything dry before reattaching the filter.