BuzzFeed editor Maitland Quitmeyer has this to say about them: I bought a pack of these and love dusting with them! All the dust sticks right on, so you don’t end up breathing in all the dust you just tried removing. It’s great for baseboards, too!
Promising review: “I rarely review products, but this little sponge literally changed my life! It picks up EVERYthing in one swipe! Hard water marks on your bathroom mirror, no problem! Hair clippings on your sink and counter, one swipe and they are gone! Dusty blinds? Swoosh, swoosh, swipe! And ala-presto ka-bam, like magic, they are perfect and dust-free! I just need one of these for my floors! I love, love, love how the sponge picks up everything, and with a little running water, all the dust, hair, muck, and guck just rinsed away! This will not disappoint! Thank you!” —DayDreamer
Get a four-pack from Amazon for $9.99 (available in six color packs and packs of two, four, and eight).